In January 2007, the company members of Maurer Söhne GmbH & Co KG Messrs. Hans and Peter Beutler and Ms. Ursula Grill, established the charitable foundation Stiftung Maurer Söhne based in Munich.
November 2022:Awards for Investigations on the Efficiency of Tuned Sloshing Dampers and Damage Detection within Fatigue Samples
October 2021:Awards for Vibration Attenuation by Usage of Gabion Wall and TMD Optimization
August 2019:Award for Probabilistic Optimization of Curved Surface Slider for Maximum Seismic Isolation
July 2016:Awards for two Master Theses
June 2015:Award for aerodynamic mass effect investigation
July 2014:Awards for modellings of beam element, aerospace structure and half-space
The Stiftung Maurer Söhne aims at supporting R&D projects at the interface of civil and mechanical engineering. Specifically, the foundation supports R&D projects at technical universities and research institutes in the following fields: